
What is a Root Canal

Boca Raton Dentist Explains a Root Canal

A root canal Actually do Genuine Hair growth Procedures Have Any Legal Relevance? can Delicious: Emily's Home Sweet Home Collector's Edition be a very painful experience, and it would make

anyone nervous and a bit scared to go in to surgery, so to ease

your mind, Dr. Costabile, a Boca Raton dentist, decided to shed a

little light on the subject.

Question: What is a Root Canal?

The root How a Spa Visit Can Help You in More Ways Than One canal is the space inside the tooth at the center, also

known as the pulp chamer, and it travels down the whole length of

the root the the tip (or apex). The human tooth can have one to four

root canals, this depends on the anatomy of the tooth. A molar can

have 2 to 4 canals, a premolar can Auto Insurance Quote: Should I Include My Children When Getting A Policy Or Purchase A Separate One? have 1 to 2, cuspids can Delicious: Emily's Childhood Memories have 1

to 2 and incisors usually only have 1 canal. Sometimes extra

canals may branch out from the main canal, and these are called

acessory canals. The number of canals vary among teeth.


Common Reasons for Root Canals

These tiny canals contain the pulp of the tooth and are referred to Why Replica Handbags Tend to be the Right Choice?

as the nerve, which comes from the Professional Agencies Available for Stucco Ceiling Removal Toronto pulp chamber. If you have had

a trauma or infection of the nerve, this will require Search Engine Marketing 101 the need for root canal therapy. Some of the common reasons for root canal can


If you have any decay on the tooth it can penetrate through the

enamel and then the dentin in to the pulp.

If your tooth becomes abscessed or infected from decay.

If you have a chipped or broken tooth caused from trauma, can

result in exposure of the nerve.

Your tooth can slowly die, due to a past trauma Delicious: Emily's Wonder Wedding or age, but didn't

require treatment at the time of the injury.

How Is Root Canal Therapy Performed?

Before the procedure Wire-less High-speed Internet Connection - Obtain Internet Anywhere begins your Boca Raton dentist will advise

you as to how many appointments you may need to complete the

toot canal. If you had an infection or an abcess, you will need to

start an antibiotic before completing the root canal. The first thing

the dentist will do is begin the appointment by Delicious: Emily's New Beginning Collector's Edition giving you a local

anesthetic to numb the tooth that he will be working on.

Once the tooth Delicious: Emily's Hopes And Fears Collector's Edition has become numb you can expect the following

procedures to be done:

An x-ray of the tooth, showing the whole tooth in the film (called a
