
Dr. Dion Presents: 80/20 Rules to Lose Weight and Keep it Off For Good

Over the past 30 years we have seen our nation's population health and fitness standards deteriorate drastically. It is now predicted that by the year 2040 that 95 to 100% of all adult Americans will be considered medically overweight.

Obesity is not a genetic disorder but is 100% preventable and a result of many years of poor lifestyle choices.

In these times of the standard American diet (S.A.D) and massive food and drink marketing it can be very challenging for anyone to follow a healthy lifestyle all of the time. There are those who say that you live only once so you should enjoy life to the fullest while you are alive.

You should utilize a more effective and realistic approach to gradually improving your lifestyle. This is why I created the 80/20 rules of a weight loss lifestyle. What this means is that Tmineyxo approximately 80% of your choices should be healthy and 20% of your daily choices can be whatever you desire.

By doing it this way you are not setting yourself up for failure by expecting to be perfect each and every day. There are not many individuals who can be Fearful Tales: Hansel And Gretel Collector's Edition perfect and people may discover that it is challenging to maintain a completely healthy lifestyle 100% of the time.

This means Weather Lord: Following The Princess Collector's Edition that if you feel like having an extra piece of cake, pizza with the family or an ice cream cone on a hot summer day go ahead you deserve it. If you make smart food choices and remain good 80% of the time there is no need to worry about Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders Collector's Edition Full Version the other 20%.

While you indulge in your favorite unhealthy food choices truly enjoy each and every bite Anovulatory Cycle and infertility and don't beat yourself up or feel any guilt. So now and then Brink Of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome Collector's Edition indulge in a cookie or have a can of soda.

Here are just a few examples of the 80/20 rules to apply to your weight loss program in order to make healthier lifestyle choices and effortlessly lose weight and keep it off for good:

* 80% of what you drink should be water (with lemon or lime) and Making Money From Home - Part-Time or Full Time? the other 20% can be sugary beverages.

* 80% of your Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst Unlocked Collector's Edition meals should be healthy home-cooked meals Grim Facade: Cost Of Jealousy Collector's Edition and 20% can be processed or fast food.

* 80% of your calories should be from healthy food choices and 20% of your calories can be from less nutritious options.

* 80% of your physical activity should be resistance based exercises such as lifting weights and calisthenics like crunches, push-ups or pull-ups.

20% of your physical activity should be aerobic base exercises such as riding a bike, walking, swimming or participating in cardio kickboxing or Zumba class at your local gym.

This will mentally make it easier to transform to a healthier lifestyle without feeling like you have to change everything you do. The same rule of thumb can be applied to other aspects of your weight loss goals.

Make sure that 80% of your daily words, thoughts and phrases are of the positive, high energy manner and 20% or less ideally would be of low energy or negative words, thoughts, or phrases.

Celebrate the new and improved you and see for yourself how you can burn more daily fat, slim down your waistline and transform your body and life for the better.

Remember that you only human and no one is perfect if you slip and fall one day don't beat yourself up and pick yourself up from the bootstraps dust yourself off and make a commitment to yourself to never have to bad days in a row.

If you can do this your weight loss success will be greatly enhanced and you will be wearing the body of your dreams sooner than later.

All content is created to inspire and empower individuals of all ages interested in losing weight and keep it off for good, managing chronic disease, increase in energy, transforming their body, improving their rest and sleep and many other The Important Points Concerning Mildew Removing in Your House health benefits all without the need for dangerous drugs or risky surgeries.

Dr. Dion Presents: Health and Fitness series was created to provide invaluable content and information that covers important current health and fitness topics that greatly impact our nation, communities and daily lives. The Home Prices - How Did They Get So High? primary objective is to educate and empower individuals to take control of their lives mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
